gino.declarative module

class gino.declarative.ColumnAttribute(prop_name, column)


class gino.declarative.Model


gino.declarative.declarative_base(metadata, model_classes=(<class 'gino.declarative.Model'>, ), name='Model')

Mark a class-level method as a factory of attribute.

This is intended to be used as decorators on class-level methods of a Model class. When initializing the class as well as its subclasses, the decorated factory method will be called for each class, the returned result will be set on the class in place of the factory method under the same name.

@declared_attr is implemented differently than declared_attr of SQLAlchemy, but they are both more often used on mixins to dynamically declare indices or constraints (also works for column and __table_args__, or even normal class attributes):

class TrackedMixin:
    created = db.Column(db.DateTime(timezone=True))

    def unique_id(cls):
        return db.Column(db.Integer())

    def unique_constraint(cls):
        return db.UniqueConstraint('unique_id')

    def poly(cls):
        if cls.__name__ == 'Thing':
            return db.Column(db.Unicode())

    def __table_args__(cls):
        if cls.__name__ == 'Thing':
            return db.UniqueConstraint('poly'),


This doesn't work if the model already had a __table__.

class gino.declarative.InvertDict(*args, **kwargs)


invert_get(key, default=None)