Source code for gino.ext.aiohttp

# noinspection PyPackageRequirements
from aiohttp.web import HTTPNotFound, middleware
from sqlalchemy.engine.url import URL
    # noinspection PyPackageRequirements
    from aiocontextvars import enable_inherit, disable_inherit
except ImportError:
    enable_inherit = disable_inherit = lambda loop: None

from ..api import Gino as _Gino, GinoExecutor as _Executor
from ..engine import GinoConnection as _Connection, GinoEngine as _Engine
from ..strategies import GinoStrategy

[docs]class AiohttpModelMixin:
[docs] @classmethod async def get_or_404(cls, *args, **kwargs): # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences rv = await cls.get(*args, **kwargs) if rv is None: raise HTTPNotFound(reason='{} is not found'.format(cls.__name__)) return rv
# noinspection PyClassHasNoInit
[docs]class GinoExecutor(_Executor):
[docs] async def first_or_404(self, *args, **kwargs): rv = await self.first(*args, **kwargs) if rv is None: raise HTTPNotFound(reason='No such data') return rv
# noinspection PyClassHasNoInit
[docs]class GinoConnection(_Connection):
[docs] async def first_or_404(self, *args, **kwargs): rv = await self.first(*args, **kwargs) if rv is None: raise HTTPNotFound(reason='No such data') return rv
# noinspection PyClassHasNoInit
[docs]class GinoEngine(_Engine): connection_cls = GinoConnection
[docs] async def first_or_404(self, *args, **kwargs): rv = await self.first(*args, **kwargs) if rv is None: raise HTTPNotFound(reason='No such data') return rv
[docs]class AiohttpStrategy(GinoStrategy): name = 'aiohttp' engine_cls = GinoEngine
[docs]@middleware class Gino(_Gino): """Support aiohttp.web server. The common usage looks like this:: from aiohttp import web from gino.ext.aiohttp import Gino db = Gino() app = web.Application(middlewares=[db]) db.init_app(app) By :meth:`init_app` GINO subscribes to a few signals on aiohttp, so that GINO could use database configuration in aiohttp ``config.gino`` to initialize the bound engine. The config includes: * ``driver`` - the database driver, default is ``asyncpg``. * ``host`` - database server host, default is ``localhost``. * ``port`` - database server port, default is ``5432``. * ``user`` - database server user, default is ``postgres``. * ``password`` - database server password, default is empty. * ``database`` - database name, default is ``postgres``. * ``dsn`` - a SQLAlchemy database URL to create the engine, its existence will replace all previous connect arguments. * ``pool_min_size`` - the initial number of connections of the db pool. * ``pool_max_size`` - the maximum number of connections in the db pool. * ``echo`` - enable SQLAlchemy echo mode. If the ``db`` is set as an aiohttp middleware, then a lazy connection is available at ``request['connection']``. By default, a database connection is borrowed on the first query, shared in the same execution context, and returned to the pool on response. If you need to release the connection early in the middle to do some long-running tasks, you can simply do this:: await request['connection'].release(permanent=False) """ model_base_classes = _Gino.model_base_classes + (AiohttpModelMixin,) query_executor = GinoExecutor def __call__(self, request, handler): return self._middleware(request, handler) async def _middleware(self, request, handler): async with self.acquire(lazy=True) as connection: request['connection'] = connection try: return await handler(request) finally: request.pop('connection', None)
[docs] def init_app(self, app): app['db'] = self inherit_enabled = [False] config = app['config'].get('gino', {}) async def before_server_start(app_): if config.setdefault('enable_inherit', True): enable_inherit(app_.loop) inherit_enabled[0] = True if config.get('dsn'): dsn = config['dsn'] else: dsn = URL( drivername=config.setdefault('driver', 'asyncpg'), host=config.setdefault('host', 'localhost'), port=config.setdefault('port', 5432), username=config.setdefault('user', 'postgres'), password=config.setdefault('password', ''), database=config.setdefault('database', 'postgres'), ) await self.set_bind( dsn, echo=config.setdefault('echo', False), min_size=config.setdefault('pool_min_size', 5), max_size=config.setdefault('pool_max_size', 10), loop=app_.loop, ) async def after_server_stop(app_): await self.pop_bind().close() if inherit_enabled[0]: disable_inherit(app_.loop) inherit_enabled[0] = False app.on_startup.append(before_server_start) app.on_cleanup.append(after_server_stop)
[docs] async def first_or_404(self, *args, **kwargs): rv = await self.first(*args, **kwargs) if rv is None: raise HTTPNotFound(reason='No such data') return rv
[docs] async def set_bind(self, bind, loop=None, **kwargs): kwargs.setdefault('strategy', 'aiohttp') return await super().set_bind(bind, loop=loop, **kwargs)