Source code for gino.dialects.asyncpg

import inspect
import itertools
import time

import asyncpg
from sqlalchemy import util, exc, sql
from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import (  # noqa: F401
from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql.base import (
from sqlalchemy.sql import sqltypes

from . import base


[docs]class AsyncpgDBAPI(base.BaseDBAPI): Error = asyncpg.PostgresError, asyncpg.InterfaceError
[docs]class AsyncpgCompiler(PGCompiler): @property def bindtemplate(self): return self._bindtemplate @bindtemplate.setter def bindtemplate(self, val): # noinspection PyAttributeOutsideInit self._bindtemplate = val.replace(':', '$') def _apply_numbered_params(self): if hasattr(self, 'string'): return super()._apply_numbered_params()
# noinspection PyAbstractClass
[docs]class AsyncpgExecutionContext(base.ExecutionContextOverride, PGExecutionContext): async def _execute_scalar(self, stmt, type_): conn = self.root_connection if isinstance(stmt, util.text_type) and \ not self.dialect.supports_unicode_statements: stmt = self.dialect._encoder(stmt)[0] if self.dialect.positional: default_params = self.dialect.execute_sequence_format() else: default_params = {} conn._cursor_execute(self.cursor, stmt, default_params, context=self) r = await self.cursor.async_execute(stmt, None, default_params, 1) r = r[0][0] if type_ is not None: # apply type post processors to the result proc = type_._cached_result_processor( self.dialect, self.cursor.description[0][1] ) if proc: return proc(r) return r
[docs]class AsyncpgIterator: def __init__(self, context, iterator): self._context = context self._iterator = iterator async def __anext__(self): row = await self._iterator.__anext__() return self._context.process_rows([row])[0]
[docs]class AsyncpgCursor(base.Cursor): def __init__(self, context, cursor): self._context = context self._cursor = cursor
[docs] async def many(self, n, *, timeout=base.DEFAULT): if timeout is base.DEFAULT: timeout = self._context.timeout rows = await self._cursor.fetch(n, timeout=timeout) return self._context.process_rows(rows)
[docs] async def next(self, *, timeout=base.DEFAULT): if timeout is base.DEFAULT: timeout = self._context.timeout row = await self._cursor.fetchrow(timeout=timeout) if not row: return None return self._context.process_rows([row])[0]
[docs] async def forward(self, n, *, timeout=base.DEFAULT): if timeout is base.DEFAULT: timeout = self._context.timeout await self._cursor.forward(n, timeout=timeout)
[docs]class PreparedStatement(base.PreparedStatement): def __init__(self, prepared, clause=None): super().__init__(clause) self._prepared = prepared def _get_iterator(self, *params, **kwargs): return AsyncpgIterator( self.context, self._prepared.cursor(*params, **kwargs).__aiter__()) async def _get_cursor(self, *params, **kwargs): iterator = await self._prepared.cursor(*params, **kwargs) return AsyncpgCursor(self.context, iterator) async def _execute(self, params, one): if one: rv = await self._prepared.fetchrow(*params) if rv is None: rv = [] else: rv = [rv] else: rv = await self._prepared.fetch(*params) return self._prepared.get_statusmsg(), rv
[docs]class DBAPICursor(base.DBAPICursor): def __init__(self, dbapi_conn): self._conn = dbapi_conn self._attributes = None self._status = None
[docs] async def prepare(self, context, clause=None): timeout = context.timeout if timeout is None: conn = await self._conn.acquire(timeout=timeout) else: before = time.monotonic() conn = await self._conn.acquire(timeout=timeout) after = time.monotonic() timeout -= after - before prepared = await conn.prepare(context.statement, timeout=timeout) try: self._attributes = prepared.get_attributes() except TypeError: # asyncpg <= 0.12.0 self._attributes = [] rv = PreparedStatement(prepared, clause) rv.context = context return rv
[docs] async def async_execute(self, query, timeout, args, limit=0, many=False): if timeout is None: conn = await self._conn.acquire(timeout=timeout) else: before = time.monotonic() conn = await self._conn.acquire(timeout=timeout) after = time.monotonic() timeout -= after - before _protocol = getattr(conn, '_protocol') timeout = getattr(_protocol, '_get_timeout')(timeout) def executor(state, timeout_): if many: return _protocol.bind_execute_many(state, args, '', timeout_) else: return _protocol.bind_execute(state, args, '', limit, True, timeout_) with getattr(conn, '_stmt_exclusive_section'): result, stmt = await getattr(conn, '_do_execute')( query, executor, timeout) try: self._attributes = getattr(stmt, '_get_attributes')() except TypeError: # asyncpg <= 0.12.0 self._attributes = [] if not many: result, self._status = result[:2] return result
@property def description(self): return [((a[0], a[1][0]) + (None,) * 5) for a in self._attributes]
[docs] def get_statusmsg(self): return self._status.decode()
[docs]class Pool(base.Pool): def __init__(self, url, loop, **kwargs): self._url = url self._loop = loop self._kwargs = kwargs self._pool = None async def _init(self): args = self._kwargs.copy() args.update( loop=self._loop,, port=self._url.port, user=self._url.username, database=self._url.database, password=self._url.password, ) self._pool = await asyncpg.create_pool(**args) return self def __await__(self): return self._init().__await__() @property def raw_pool(self): return self._pool
[docs] async def acquire(self, *, timeout=None): return await self._pool.acquire(timeout=timeout)
[docs] async def release(self, conn): await self._pool.release(conn)
[docs] async def close(self): await self._pool.close()
[docs]class Transaction(base.Transaction): def __init__(self, tx): self._tx = tx @property def raw_transaction(self): return self._tx
[docs] async def begin(self): await self._tx.start()
[docs] async def commit(self): await self._tx.commit()
[docs] async def rollback(self): await self._tx.rollback()
[docs]class AsyncEnum(ENUM):
[docs] async def create_async(self, bind=None, checkfirst=True): if not checkfirst or \ not await bind.dialect.has_type( bind,, schema=self.schema): await bind.status(CreateEnumType(self))
[docs] async def drop_async(self, bind=None, checkfirst=True): if not checkfirst or \ await bind.dialect.has_type(bind,, schema=self.schema): await bind.status(DropEnumType(self))
async def _on_table_create_async(self, target, bind, checkfirst=False, **kw): if checkfirst or ( not self.metadata and not kw.get('_is_metadata_operation', False)) and \ not self._check_for_name_in_memos(checkfirst, kw): await self.create_async(bind=bind, checkfirst=checkfirst) async def _on_table_drop_async(self, target, bind, checkfirst=False, **kw): if not self.metadata and \ not kw.get('_is_metadata_operation', False) and \ not self._check_for_name_in_memos(checkfirst, kw): await self.drop_async(bind=bind, checkfirst=checkfirst) async def _on_metadata_create_async(self, target, bind, checkfirst=False, **kw): if not self._check_for_name_in_memos(checkfirst, kw): await self.create_async(bind=bind, checkfirst=checkfirst) async def _on_metadata_drop_async(self, target, bind, checkfirst=False, **kw): if not self._check_for_name_in_memos(checkfirst, kw): await self.drop_async(bind=bind, checkfirst=checkfirst)
[docs]class GinoNullType(sqltypes.NullType):
[docs] def result_processor(self, dialect, coltype): if coltype == JSON_COLTYPE: return JSON().result_processor(dialect, coltype) if coltype == JSONB_COLTYPE: return JSONB().result_processor(dialect, coltype) return super().result_processor(dialect, coltype)
# noinspection PyAbstractClass
[docs]class AsyncpgDialect(PGDialect, base.AsyncDialectMixin): driver = 'asyncpg' supports_native_decimal = True dbapi_class = AsyncpgDBAPI statement_compiler = AsyncpgCompiler execution_ctx_cls = AsyncpgExecutionContext cursor_cls = DBAPICursor init_kwargs = set(itertools.chain( *[inspect.getfullargspec(f).kwonlydefaults.keys() for f in [asyncpg.create_pool, asyncpg.connect]])) colspecs = util.update_copy( PGDialect.colspecs, { ENUM: AsyncEnum, sqltypes.Enum: AsyncEnum, sqltypes.NullType: GinoNullType, } ) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self._pool_kwargs = {} for k in self.init_kwargs: if k in kwargs: self._pool_kwargs[k] = kwargs.pop(k) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._init_mixin()
[docs] async def init_pool(self, url, loop): return await Pool(url, loop, init=self.on_connect(), **self._pool_kwargs)
# noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic
[docs] def transaction(self, raw_conn, args, kwargs): return Transaction(raw_conn.transaction(*args, **kwargs))
[docs] def on_connect(self): if self.isolation_level is not None: async def connect(conn): await self.set_isolation_level(conn, self.isolation_level) return connect else: return None
[docs] async def set_isolation_level(self, connection, level): """ Given an asyncpg connection, set its isolation level. """ level = level.replace('_', ' ') if level not in self._isolation_lookup: raise exc.ArgumentError( "Invalid value '%s' for isolation_level. " "Valid isolation levels for %s are %s" % (level,, ", ".join(self._isolation_lookup)) ) await connection.execute( "SET SESSION CHARACTERISTICS AS TRANSACTION " "ISOLATION LEVEL %s" % level) await connection.execute("COMMIT")
[docs] async def get_isolation_level(self, connection): """ Given an asyncpg connection, return its isolation level. """ val = await connection.fetchval('show transaction isolation level') return val.upper()
[docs] async def has_schema(self, connection, schema): query = ("select nspname from pg_namespace " "where lower(nspname)=:schema") row = await connection.first( sql.text( query, bindparams=[ sql.bindparam( 'schema', util.text_type(schema.lower()), type_=sqltypes.Unicode)] ) ) return bool(row)
[docs] async def has_table(self, connection, table_name, schema=None): # seems like case gets folded in pg_class... if schema is None: row = await connection.first( sql.text( "select relname from pg_class c join pg_namespace n on " "n.oid=c.relnamespace where " "pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible(c.oid) " "and relname=:name", bindparams=[ sql.bindparam('name', util.text_type(table_name), type_=sqltypes.Unicode)] ) ) else: row = await connection.first( sql.text( "select relname from pg_class c join pg_namespace n on " "n.oid=c.relnamespace where n.nspname=:schema and " "relname=:name", bindparams=[ sql.bindparam('name', util.text_type(table_name), type_=sqltypes.Unicode), sql.bindparam('schema', util.text_type(schema), type_=sqltypes.Unicode)] ) ) return bool(row)
[docs] async def has_sequence(self, connection, sequence_name, schema=None): if schema is None: row = await connection.first( sql.text( "SELECT relname FROM pg_class c join pg_namespace n on " "n.oid=c.relnamespace where relkind='S' and " "n.nspname=current_schema() " "and relname=:name", bindparams=[ sql.bindparam('name', util.text_type(sequence_name), type_=sqltypes.Unicode) ] ) ) else: row = await connection.first( sql.text( "SELECT relname FROM pg_class c join pg_namespace n on " "n.oid=c.relnamespace where relkind='S' and " "n.nspname=:schema and relname=:name", bindparams=[ sql.bindparam('name', util.text_type(sequence_name), type_=sqltypes.Unicode), sql.bindparam('schema', util.text_type(schema), type_=sqltypes.Unicode) ] ) ) return bool(row)
[docs] async def has_type(self, connection, type_name, schema=None): if schema is not None: query = """ SELECT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_type t, pg_catalog.pg_namespace n WHERE t.typnamespace = n.oid AND t.typname = :typname AND n.nspname = :nspname ) """ query = sql.text(query) else: query = """ SELECT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_type t WHERE t.typname = :typname AND pg_type_is_visible(t.oid) ) """ query = sql.text(query) query = query.bindparams( sql.bindparam('typname', util.text_type(type_name), type_=sqltypes.Unicode), ) if schema is not None: query = query.bindparams( sql.bindparam('nspname', util.text_type(schema), type_=sqltypes.Unicode), ) return bool(await connection.scalar(query))