Source code for gino.api

import weakref

import sqlalchemy as sa
from sqlalchemy.engine.url import make_url, URL
from sqlalchemy.sql.base import Executable
from sqlalchemy.sql.schema import SchemaItem

from .crud import CRUDModel
from .declarative import declarative_base, declared_attr
from .exceptions import UninitializedError
from .schema import GinoSchemaVisitor, patch_schema
from . import json_support

[docs]class GinoExecutor: """ The default ``gino`` extension on :class:`~sqlalchemy.sql.expression.Executable` constructs for implicit execution. Instances of this class are created when visiting the ``gino`` property of :class:`~sqlalchemy.sql.expression.Executable` instances (also referred as queries or clause elements), for example:: await User.query.gino.first() This allows GINO to add the asynchronous query APIs (:meth:`all`, :meth:`first`, :meth:`scalar`, :meth:`status`, :meth:`iterate`) to SQLAlchemy query clauses without messing up with existing synchronous ones. Calling these asynchronous query APIs has the same restriction - the relevant metadata (the :class:`Gino` instance) must be bound to an engine, or an :exc:`AttributeError` will be raised. .. note:: Executable clause elements that are completely irrelevant with any table - for example ``[db.text('now()')])`` - has no metadata, hence no engine. Therefore, this will always fail:: await[db.text('now()')]).gino.scalar() You should use :meth:`conn.scalar() <.engine.GinoConnection.scalar>`, :meth:`engine.scalar() <.engine.GinoEngine.scalar>` or even :meth:`db.scalar() <.Gino.scalar>` in this case. """ __slots__ = ('_query',) def __init__(self, query): self._query = query @property def query(self): """ Get back the chained :class:`~sqlalchemy.sql.expression.Executable`. In a chained query calls, occasionally the previous query clause is needed after a ``.gino.`` chain, you can use ``.query.`` to resume the chain back. For example:: await User.query.gino.model(FOUser).query.where(...).gino.all() """ return self._query
[docs] def model(self, model): """ Shortcut to set execution option ``model`` in a chaining call. Read :meth:`~gino.engine.GinoConnection.execution_options` for more information. """ if model is not None: model = weakref.ref(model) self._query = self._query.execution_options(model=model) return self
[docs] def return_model(self, switch): """ Shortcut to set execution option ``return_model`` in a chaining call. Read :meth:`~gino.engine.GinoConnection.execution_options` for more information. """ self._query = self._query.execution_options(return_model=switch) return self
[docs] def timeout(self, timeout): """ Shortcut to set execution option ``timeout`` in a chaining call. Read :meth:`~gino.engine.GinoConnection.execution_options` for more information. """ self._query = self._query.execution_options(timeout=timeout) return self
[docs] def load(self, value): """ Shortcut to set execution option ``loader`` in a chaining call. For example to load ``Book`` instances with their authors:: query = Book.join(User).select() books = await query.gino.load(Book.load(author=User)).all() Read :meth:`~gino.engine.GinoConnection.execution_options` for more information. """ self._query = self._query.execution_options(loader=value) return self
[docs] async def all(self, *multiparams, **params): """ Returns :meth:`engine.all() <.engine.GinoEngine.all>` with this query as the first argument, and other arguments followed, where ``engine`` is the :class:`~.engine.GinoEngine` to which the metadata (:class:`Gino`) is bound, while metadata is found in this query. """ return await self._query.bind.all(self._query, *multiparams, **params)
[docs] async def first(self, *multiparams, **params): """ Returns :meth:`engine.first() <.engine.GinoEngine.first>` with this query as the first argument, and other arguments followed, where ``engine`` is the :class:`~.engine.GinoEngine` to which the metadata (:class:`Gino`) is bound, while metadata is found in this query. """ return await self._query.bind.first(self._query, *multiparams, **params)
[docs] async def scalar(self, *multiparams, **params): """ Returns :meth:`engine.scalar() <.engine.GinoEngine.scalar>` with this query as the first argument, and other arguments followed, where ``engine`` is the :class:`~.engine.GinoEngine` to which the metadata (:class:`Gino`) is bound, while metadata is found in this query. """ return await self._query.bind.scalar(self._query, *multiparams, **params)
[docs] async def status(self, *multiparams, **params): """ Returns :meth:`engine.status() <.engine.GinoEngine.status>` with this query as the first argument, and other arguments followed, where ``engine`` is the :class:`~.engine.GinoEngine` to which the metadata (:class:`Gino`) is bound, while metadata is found in this query. """ return await self._query.bind.status(self._query, *multiparams, **params)
[docs] def iterate(self, *multiparams, **params): """ Returns :meth:`engine.iterate() <.engine.GinoEngine.iterate>` with this query as the first argument, and other arguments followed, where ``engine`` is the :class:`~.engine.GinoEngine` to which the metadata (:class:`Gino`) is bound, while metadata is found in this query. """ connection = self._query.bind.current_connection if connection is None: raise ValueError( 'No Connection in context, please provide one') return connection.iterate(self._query, *multiparams, **params)
class _BindContext: def __init__(self, *args): self._args = args async def __aenter__(self): api, bind, loop, kwargs = self._args return await api.set_bind(bind, loop, **kwargs) async def __aexit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): await self._args[0].pop_bind().close()
[docs]class Gino(sa.MetaData): """ All-in-one API class of GINO, providing several shortcuts. This class is a subclass of SQLAlchemy :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.MetaData`, therefore its instances can be used as a normal :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.MetaData` object, e.g. used in `Alembic <>`_. In usual cases, you would want to define one global :class:`~.Gino` instance, usually under the name of ``db``, representing the database used in your application. You may define tables in `the official way <>`_ SQLAlchemy core recommended, but more often in GINO we define model classes with ``db.Model`` as their parent class to represent tables, for its objective interface and CRUD operations. Please read :doc:`crud` for more information. For convenience, :class:`Gino` instance delegated all properties publicly exposed by :mod:`sqlalchemy`, so that you can define tables / models without importing :mod:`sqlalchemy`:: id = db.Column(db.BigInteger(), primary_key=True) Similar to :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.MetaData`, a :class:`~.Gino` object can bind to a :class:`~gino.engine.GinoEngine` instance, hereby allowing `"implicit execution" <>`_ through the ``gino`` extension on :class:`~sqlalchemy.sql.expression.Executable` or :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.SchemaItem` constructs:: await User.query.gino.first() await db.gino.create_all() Differently, GINO encourages the use of implicit execution and manages transactional context correctly. Binding to a connection object is not supported. To set a bind property, you can simply set your :class:`~gino.engine.GinoEngine` object on :attr:`db.bind <Gino.bind>`, or set it to ``None`` to unbind. However, the creation of engine usually happens at the same time. Therefore, GINO provided several convenient ways doing so: 1. :meth:`~Gino.with_bind` returning an asynchronous context manager:: async with db.with_bind('postgresql://...') as engine: 2. :meth:`~Gino.set_bind` and :meth:`~Gino.pop_bind`:: engine = await db.set_bind('postgresql://...') await db.pop_bind().close() 3. Directly ``await`` on :class:`~.Gino` instance:: db = await gino.Gino('postgresql://...') await db.pop_bind().close() .. note:: SQLAlchemy allows creating the engine by:: metadata.bind = 'postgresql://...' While in GINO this only sets a string to :attr:`~.Gino.bind`, because creating an engine requires ``await``, which is excatly what :meth:`~.Gino.set_bind` does. At last, :class:`Gino` delegated all query APIs on the bound :class:`~.engine.GinoEngine`. """ model_base_classes = (CRUDModel,) """ Overridable default model classes to build the :attr:`Model`. Default is :class:`(CRUDModel, ) <gino.crud.CRUDModel>`. """ query_executor = GinoExecutor """ The overridable ``gino`` extension class on :class:`~sqlalchemy.sql.expression.Executable`. This class will be set as the getter method of the property ``gino`` on :class:`~sqlalchemy.sql.expression.Executable` and its subclasses, if ``ext`` and ``query_ext`` arguments are both ``True``. Default is :class:`GinoExecutor`. """ schema_visitor = GinoSchemaVisitor """ The overridable ``gino`` extension class on :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.SchemaItem`. This class will be set as the getter method of the property ``gino`` on :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.SchemaItem` and its subclasses, if ``ext`` and ``schema_ext`` arguments are both ``True``. Default is :class:`~gino.schema.GinoSchemaVisitor`. """ no_delegate = {'create_engine', 'engine_from_config'} """ A set of symbols from :mod:`sqlalchemy` which is not delegated by :class:`Gino`. """ def __init__(self, bind=None, model_classes=None, query_ext=True, schema_ext=True, ext=True, **kwargs): """ :param bind: A :class:`~.engine.GinoEngine` instance to bind. Also accepts string or :class:`~sqlalchemy.engine.url.URL`, which will be passed to :func:`~gino.create_engine` when this :class:`Gino` instance is awaited. Default is ``None``. :param model_classes: A :class:`tuple` of base class and mixin classes to create the :attr:`~.Gino.Model` class. Default is :class:`(CRUDModel, ) <gino.crud.CRUDModel>`. :param query_ext: Boolean value to control the installation of the ``gino`` extension on :class:`~sqlalchemy.sql.expression.Executable` for implicit execution. Default is to install (``True``). :param schema_ext: Boolean value to control the installation of the ``gino`` extension on :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.SchemaItem` for implicit execution. Default is to install (``True``). :param ext: Boolean value to control the installation of the two ``gino`` extensions. ``False`` for no extension at all, while it depends on the two individual switches when this is set to ``True`` (default). :param kwargs: Other arguments accepted by :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.MetaData`. """ super().__init__(bind=bind, **kwargs) if model_classes is None: model_classes = self.model_base_classes self._model = declarative_base(self, model_classes) self.declared_attr = declared_attr for mod in json_support, sa: for key in mod.__all__: if not hasattr(self, key) and key not in self.no_delegate: setattr(self, key, getattr(mod, key)) if ext: if query_ext: Executable.gino = property(self.query_executor) if schema_ext: SchemaItem.gino = property(self.schema_visitor) patch_schema(self) # noinspection PyPep8Naming @property def Model(self): """ Declarative base class for models, subclass of :class:`gino.declarative.Model`. Defining subclasses of this class will result new tables added to this :class:`Gino` metadata. """ return self._model @property def bind(self): """ An :class:`~.engine.GinoEngine` to which this :class:`Gino` is bound. This is a simple property with no getter or setter hook - what you set is what you get. To achieve the same result as it is in SQLAlchemy - setting a string or :class:`~sqlalchemy.engine.url.URL` and getting an engine instance, use :meth:`set_bind` (or ``await`` on this :class:`Gino` object after setting a string or :class:`~sqlalchemy.engine.url.URL`). """ if self._bind is None: return _PlaceHolder( UninitializedError('Gino engine is not initialized.')) return self._bind # noinspection PyMethodOverriding,PyAttributeOutsideInit @bind.setter def bind(self, bind): self._bind = bind
[docs] async def set_bind(self, bind, loop=None, **kwargs): """ Bind self to the given :class:`~.engine.GinoEngine` and return it. If the given ``bind`` is a string or :class:`~sqlalchemy.engine.url.URL`, all arguments will be sent to :func:`~gino.create_engine` to create a new engine, and return it. :return: :class:`~.engine.GinoEngine` """ if isinstance(bind, str): bind = make_url(bind) if isinstance(bind, URL): from . import create_engine bind = await create_engine(bind, loop=loop, **kwargs) self.bind = bind return bind
[docs] def pop_bind(self): """ Unbind self, and return the bound engine. This is usually used in a chained call to close the engine:: await db.pop_bind().close() :return: :class:`~.engine.GinoEngine` or ``None`` if self is not bound. """ bind, self.bind = self.bind, None return bind
[docs] def with_bind(self, bind, loop=None, **kwargs): """ Shortcut for :meth:`set_bind` and :meth:`pop_bind` plus closing engine. This method accepts the same arguments of :func:`~gino.create_engine`. This allows inline creating an engine and binding self on enter, and unbinding self and closing the engine on exit:: async with db.with_bind('postgresql://...') as engine: # play with engine :return: An asynchronous context manager. """ return _BindContext(self, bind, loop, kwargs)
def __await__(self): async def init(): await self.set_bind(self.bind) return self return init().__await__()
[docs] def compile(self, elem, *multiparams, **params): """ A delegate of :meth:`GinoEngine.compile() <.engine.GinoEngine.compile>`. """ return self.bind.compile(elem, *multiparams, **params)
[docs] async def all(self, clause, *multiparams, **params): """ A delegate of :meth:`GinoEngine.all() <.engine.GinoEngine.all>`. """ return await self.bind.all(clause, *multiparams, **params)
[docs] async def first(self, clause, *multiparams, **params): """ A delegate of :meth:`GinoEngine.first() <.engine.GinoEngine.first>`. """ return await self.bind.first(clause, *multiparams, **params)
[docs] async def scalar(self, clause, *multiparams, **params): """ A delegate of :meth:`GinoEngine.scalar() <.engine.GinoEngine.scalar>`. """ return await self.bind.scalar(clause, *multiparams, **params)
[docs] async def status(self, clause, *multiparams, **params): """ A delegate of :meth:`GinoEngine.status() <.engine.GinoEngine.status>`. """ return await self.bind.status(clause, *multiparams, **params)
[docs] def iterate(self, clause, *multiparams, **params): """ A delegate of :meth:`GinoEngine.iterate() <.engine.GinoEngine.iterate>`. """ return self.bind.iterate(clause, *multiparams, **params)
[docs] def acquire(self, *args, **kwargs): """ A delegate of :meth:`GinoEngine.acquire() <.engine.GinoEngine.acquire>`. """ return self.bind.acquire(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def transaction(self, *args, **kwargs): """ A delegate of :meth:`GinoEngine.transaction() <.engine.GinoEngine.transaction>`. """ return self.bind.transaction(*args, **kwargs)
class _PlaceHolder: __slots__ = '_exception' def __init__(self, exception): self._exception = exception def __getattribute__(self, item): if item == '_exception': return super().__getattribute__(item) raise self._exception def __setattr__(self, key, value): if key == '_exception': return super().__setattr__(key, value) raise self._exception